CodePrinter - Java Webstart for JRE 1.4 or higher
CodePrinter is a tiny utility to print out source code or other text files.
Its main intent is to provide you with print-outs for your code reviews and
to save some paper by fitting two code pages onto one sheet of paper.
CodePrinter is written in Java and makes use of the Java Printing API. It's
an Open Source project hosted at and is protected by the
GNU General Public License.
Unix- & Linux people should consider
a2ps as an alternative.
- Printing of one or multiple files
- Line numbering
- Simple syntax highlighting for .java, .html and .xml files
- Preview with zoom-in/zoom-out functionality
- Printing of a single or all previewed pages
- Font and font size selection
Project Links
Eclipse 3.0 Plugin -
Open the context menu for one or multiple files of a view and choose "Code Printer-> Print Code...". The
Preview window will appear, from where you can confirm or cancel the printing
Stand-alone Application -
Start the application with...
java -jar codeprinter.jar . On Windows
a double click on the jar file does the same. A file browser will open, which let's you
select one or multiple files. Click the "Preview..." button to open the preview frame.
From here you can confirm or cancel the printing process. |